A downloadable game

Buy Now$14.99 USD or more

This is Oculus Quest/Quest 2 version of Song Beater VR rhythm game available on official Oculus App Lab store. If you buy it here on Itch, you will receive Oculus store key to redeem the game there.

The game is also available on PC VR (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index etc.) on Steam, Oculus Rift/Go Store, Humble Store. Visit our homepage for more information!


Song Beater is a VR rhythm game on steroids. Beat challenging songs with your bare fists in Fit Boxing mode, wield variety of weapons (blades, tonfas, phasers, staff, saw) in Free Style or dominate the playfield in Real 360 mode.

  • 6 game modes, singleplayer and multiplayer
  • 60+ songs and videos included, custom songs support
  • Global and friends leaderboards, unique family party mode
  • Player achievements and statistics including estimated calories burnt for your fitness goals

More features

  • 5 difficulty levels (light, gentle, normal, intense and... impossibru)
  • 8 different environments
  • Unique handmade visualization for each song
  • Several types of laser obstacles, stationary and moving
  • Variable song speed (90–150%), one-hand play, no-fail option and more
  • Video playback
  • 30 achievements
  • 3rd person cameras support (avatars) - great for watching players or streamers
  • Hidden and not so hidden cultural references, memes, easter eggs... :)

Weapons (free style mode)

Wield variety of weapons (blades, tonfas, phasers, staff, saw) to increase your effective range. Master different techniques for perfect play.

Custom songs and videos

  • Use built-in download button on Custom songs tab to download new songs from our server or visit any 3rd party community servers with songs in ModSaber (Beat Saber) format! E.g. http://BSaber.com
  • Simply copy whole song directory to "Custom songs" directory in Song Beater (VR-headset\internal storage\Android\data\com.playito.songbeater\CustomSongs) or use SideQuest for this task (it will download and extract the song from ZIP archive for you). Then start the game, your song should appear on Custom songs and/or Videos tab.
  • Visit our website for more info! http://songbeater.com/custom.html

Songs credits

Volume 2 (full release update)

  • Addicted – Mikalyn & Xtro
  • Blessings – Vendredi
  • Close – Mikalyn & Xtro
  • Dissent – Nihilore
  • Erosion – KV
  • Fall Again – Dizaro
  • Fall in Love Again – Mikalyn & Xtro
  • Feelin Me – Peyruis
  • Happy Endings – Dizaro
  • Hide and Seek – Vairo
  • Keyboard – Mikalyn
  • Release – Ason ID
  • Scarab – Vairo
  • Sneaky – Mikalyn
  • Trust in Me – Dizaro
  • Time to Wake Up – Hunter Miller

Volume 1 (early access version)

  • All Night – Peyruis
  • Bad Love (Vocal Edit) – Niwel
  • Bazooka – Mike Cortado
  • Biscuit (Extended Version) – Raven & Kreyn
  • Breathe – Axl & Arth Ft. Dimi Marc
  • Bush Week – Nihilore
  • Congratulations (remix) – Party In Backyard (orig. PewDiePie, Roomie & Boyinaband)
  • Do It Like You – Insta Models
  • Don't Blame It On Me – Axl & Arth
  • Eat em up – Justin Being Rude
  • Fuzz – Roman "Mem" Nepsinsky
  • Grace on the Dancefloor – TeknoAXE
  • Island – Jarico
  • I Saw a Ghost Last Night – Leonell Cassio
  • Minute – DIZARO
  • Retro Beats – Roman "Mem" Nepsinsky
  • Rollercoaster – Declan DP
  • Something for Nothing – Jimmy Burney, Alundra
  • Spite – ZAYFALL
  • Sven – Party In Backyard
  • Stuck On U – DIZARO
  • The Promise – Damien Miles
  • This way >> – Scomber
  • Triumphant – Axl & Arth, Dustin Paul
  • View – Ametryo
  • What – Roman "Mem" Nepsinsky
  • When You're Comin' Back Around – Norwall
  • Who's gonna love ya – Bad Parties
  • Wrong 4 Me – DIZARO
  • Yeah – Roman "Mem" Nepsinsky

Visit official Song Beater game website http://SongBeater.com to see full credits and links to all artists and their portfolios!


Buy Now$14.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $14.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Song_Beater_INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS.txt 579 bytes

Download demo

SongBeater_DEMO.apk 201 MB


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Wow, amazing! BTW  I'm working on a beat mapper app for music-based games. It's called MBOY Editor (https://vfpe.itch.io/mboy-editor) Do you want to try it for your game? Vic

I cant seem to  get custom songs tp show up. I am in the right folder in Sidequest and its still not showing in the game. The song is  in its on folder and has been converted over to OGG.  My apologies for asking the same question. 

Why is it asking me to open the demo on the Samsung gear vr when I downloaded the demo for the Oculus quest 2.

Wie ist es wenn man das Spiel aufvitvhivgekauftvhat aber möchte es über app Lab runter laden bekommt man einen Code vom euch .

Hi, if you bought the game here on Itch, you can go to your download page and get Oculus App Lab code for free (use instructions below). If you received Itch game in some promo action (giveaways, contests, cross-buy), write us to info@songbeater.com and we can provide you with a key :)


First go to your download page for Song Beater:
• Use the Download button at the top of the game page: https://playito.itch.io/song-beater-quite-my-tempo
• Or use the Resend my download links form on this page: https://itch.io/docs/buying/already-bought
Once you are on your download page for Song Beater, you can get the key:
1. Click on the Get Oculus Key button on the download page to get your key
2. Copy your key
3. Go to https://secure.oculus.com/redeem-code
4. Paste the key and click on the arrow →
5. You now have Song Beater in your Quest library!

Hi, did you know your game is not enabled for app sharing? I really want to share it with my wife on the same Quest 2. Would be great if you could enable app sharing, or ask Oculus to enable it for you, I'm not sure how it works. :)

The fitbox mode in this game is great, I love it!

(2 edits)

Ah, thanks for letting us know, we'll look into that! :-)

Edit: It seems it should be automatically active for all App Lab titles (but it also seems from other players' reports it's not working in any of them, so maybe some issue on Oculus side). Can you send us more details to info@songbeater.com please so that we can escalate it to Oculus support?


Email sent. 👍

I love this game...it is fun, very optionable so everyone can get the best exercize from it.  My go to app for upperbody workout.

Really good game, but can i play on multiplayer just the boxing ? When i chose multiplayer i can't change the game mode... '-'

Yes, that's right. Multiplayer and championship automatically use fit-boxing mode, no weapons.

We have already plans for weapons modes for the future though so stay tuned! :) 

(1 edit)

I read on twitter it should work for 3dof devices, is it true? Wait, it says apk and I guess it's because it's for the quest (I don't have a vr headset so I don't know how it works with apk files on the oculus app, I wanted to play it with vridge on my pc, will there be any pc version?)


Hi Alex! Yes, we have also 6DOF PC versions (Steam, Oculus)  and mobile 3DOF version, currently for Oculus Go/Samsung GearVR and older Pico headsets. All download links can be found here on our website: http://songbeater.com/

Feel free to contact us via e-mail info@playito.com if you have any further questions :)


Want to try Song Beater before buying it? Now you can, we have added FREE DEMO!

It contains 3 songs (one from Volume 1, one from Volume 2, and one video), each in all 5 difficulties, and available modes are Fitboxing, Real 360 and The Club. Enjoy :-)


Hi I downloaded the demo when I open it it's asking me to put phone in gear vr. I thought it was a demo for the Oculus quest 2. How can I solve this Thanks.

Hi PLAYITO, qick question. I installed the new version of songbeater (V4) but i cannot see my custom songs, I noticed it hasn't deleted the old version (V3.3 I think). I cannot see the folder for v4 and sidequest opens the v3.3 folder to install custom songs. 

Will the custom songs stay if I delete the old version? or alternatively is there a new folder where they go?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, thank you for your message! The issue seems to be in the package name, case of some letters. The old version uses folder "com.playito.songbeater" while the newer one "com.Playito.SongBeater" (and we will keep this new name). So please copy your CustomSongs folder from the old one to the new one. And we will also contact SideQuest support to update shortcut for Song Beater to this new location. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hi, thanks for that. I saw the difference in the caps in the new version but there is only 1 PLAYITO folder in the android/data folder. I tried deleting both versions and reinstalling the new one but I cannot find it in android/data. Am I checking in the wrong place?

Thanks in advance.

Have you started the game at least once after reinstalling? It saves the profile with data at that moment. Then the path "\sdcard\Android\data\com.Playito.SongBeater\CustomSongs" should be available as seen here in sidequest file explorer: https://imgur.com/a/JJDWSiI

I restarted and ran the game once, I can see the folders now and copied the songs. Thanks for the help.


Thank you for letting us know! :)

Is the "Seat" mode also the correct one for the Oculus store Rift S version?

Yes it is. In upcoming new version of the game we already renamed it to "Roomscale with flexible center" to avoid confusion (and on Quest it will be probably hidden completely as this option was needed mainly for SteamVR guardian system)

heya! i bought this ages ago... I was wondering if there was a way to drop in my own vrm? :)  Thanks!

Hi, not yet, but we will look into it. :)

Steam version supports LIV so users can use avatars from that. If you have a PC and Quest connected via quest link/virtual desktop, you can give it a try, feel free to contact us at info@songbeater.com about it

I didn’t realise it was cross buy! would they give me a key at that email address? ;)


We do when asked nicely so by all means go ahead! :)

…. I bought this before I bought Beat Saber.

How do these games compare?

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, very interested in getting a copy of this for my Quest. If I were to buy it here, is there an option to have an official Oculus Go version thrown in? I'd love to be able to play with my wife!

Also, will official Quest versions be offered to buyers if and when the game gets greenlit by Oculus for release on the Quest store?


Hi, if we manage to publish to official Quest Store eventually (we have tried several times already and we will try once more after we finish upcoming update with graphics overhaul, stay tuned :)), we are ready to provide keys to Itch buyers who will be interested in it. For Go version feel free to contact us at info@songbeater.com :)

That's sold me! Consider me another new customer!

I have already bought this; in SQ, it said there was an upgrade available, how do I get/install this upgrade?

Hi, you should be able to see and download latest version of the game under your account (SongBeater_3_3_Quest.apk). You can then install it using SideQuest or ADB, it will overwrite the old version (while keeping your profile and statistics). Let us know in case of any issues at info@songbeater.com! :)


Does this have crossplay with any of the pcvr versions?

(Sorry for late response, we missed the notification)
If you mean multiplayer, then yes, all Song Beater versions on all platforms can join the same multiplayer lobby and play against each other. If you mean crossplay in terms of one-time buy, we can sometimes provide it manually if we are asked nicely (info@songbeater.com) :)



i have a several questions for you awesome creators.

im kippawawa

1) how i can update the game without losing the progress i have? do i have to install it again or delete it then install?

2) where i can download a custom songs?

3) there are few songs i get the highest score but it wouldnt change on leaderboard or count. 

4) some songs i play them in 150% and obstecles and instant shock. with full combo. yet though i cant beat the highest score. how is that even possible. i think there are people cheating. 

 thank you guys.

(Sorry for late response, we missed the notification)
Hi kippawawa,

1) You should be able to install newest APK over the existing installation and keeping your current profile (application data), no need to uninstall.

2) There is a Download button on Custom songs tab in the latest version (3.3) with several custom songs from our server. You can also visit 3rd party servers with songs for other rhythm games, e.g. we support Beat Saber format so you can visit community website such as BSaber.com and download any songs you like. You can then either copy them manually to your quest (see instructions http://songbeater.com/custom.html) or use built-in feature in SideQuest, which can download and extract ZIP file with the song for you.

3) Can you check your game settings, option No fail on Game tab? If it's ON, then the score is not written to leaderboard. If it's OFF, it should work.

4) You need full combo and also hardest and most precise hits (combo is multiplied by it). You can turn ON score per hit in % text to be sure you are achieving 90+ % in each hit. Also there might be several cases of songs/difficulty levels, which were later adjusted. 

3+4) If you can be more specific we can check it out, let us know at info@songbeater.com, thanks :) 

Hello guys. Cool game! Does it has leaderboards for custom songs?

Yes, it does, hosted on our server (so only Song Beater players participate in it). There's a computed hash for song audiofile (so if someone else wants to play the same custom song they need to use the  same verson of files) and for each unique hash there's a leaderboard. :)

Great! Thanks for your answer

(1 edit)


He comprado el juego para oculus quest y no se puede instalar en sidequest...he probado a instalar otros juegos y todos se instalan bien 

Que solución me das?

He intentado instalarlo por ADB también y no funciona

Hi MagoDago,
sorry for late response. Were you able to solve it in the meantime? Does ADB display any error messages when you issue "adb push" command? And do you have your Quest in developer mode? Feel free to contact us on info@songbeater.com so that we can investigate it further.

Hi, finally the problem is of Sideload.

But I get install ok.

Hey, its me again :) Sorry to bother you again, but can i turn the voice of, which is always telling me that i "fail" or "miss". its reallz throwing me off my game :D

One solution is to play perfectly so these announcements won't be played :P But you can also replace the sounds completely if you want (e.g. put some silence there instead ;)). Go to game settings, modding, enable audio modding. When you restart the game, go to game's data folder and look for audio subfolder with exported WAV files present (sounds for different weapons and announcements). You can then replace these files as you like and start the game again. This modding was originally meant for PC players so not sure how reliable it is on quest... Let us know in case you encounter any issues at info@songbeater.com :)

hey guys! Awesome game! 😍 can you tell me how to change the environment? 

Hi, thanks! :) There's a button "NEW THEMES" on the first screen when you start the game where you can switch instantly between several environments. And we are already working on new ones, coming soon... :)

Hi Playito, thank you so much for your fast reply, really appreciate it! :)) Found it :)

If purchased here,  do you receive future updates free?

Yes, if you purchase the game it is bound to your Itch.io account and you can download all future updated APKs for free. We have already posted 3 updates in December and it worked for existing players with no problem :)

Deleted 5 years ago

Hi, Quest recentering (by holding Oculus button) should adjust the height and orientation to default (and the "seat" mode is the correct one for quest, that "room" will be hidden in the future, it was for SteamVR workaround). You can also further modify it in game settings though - head to SETTINGS, first tab PROFILE, and there's a Spawner height adjustment. The number is in centimeters, so if you would like to spawn the beats higher, enter something like 20-50 and it might help.

If you still experience issues please contact us at info@songbeater.com or visit our Discord server https://discord.gg/2cPXfwx, we'll be happy to help!

Is taking for ever to install on sidequest

Well the APK has around 1GB (many songs and videos included :)) but via USB cable and normal ADB it takes around 1-2 minutes. Not sure how SideQuest does it though, will look into that, thanks for the tip